
All posts by Cowit Furs

Bitter FUR weather is on the way!

The coldest temperatures of the winter are barreling our way. The entire country will be in the grips of a major frigid spell.  You don’t have your coats out of storage yet; why not? Don’t have a FUR; Henry Cowit Inc / Madison Ave Furs, your FUR supermarket has the best prices and bargains of the season. We are open 7 days a week for your shopping convenience.  You .

Winter is Here FUR Sale

For over 75 years, Henry Cowit Inc / Madison Ave Furs have offered the best prices in pre-owned, vintage, designer and new FURS. Our Winter is Here FUR sale has started and the best FUR bargains can be found in our showroom, on our website or on our E bay site. If you do not have a FUR for the upcoming brutal winter temps, what are you waiting for? .